Good writing leads to the flow of dopamine in the reward circuits of the reader’s mind. Great writing leads to opioids which turn into reward hotspots. Like good food, soothing music, a well-structured prose can have a similar effect on the writer and reader.
Writing is a process and a skill, which can be built and grown. The cohort program demystifies the skill with right resources, tools and experts.
About the writing program
#1 Micro-learning approach: The program is segmented into 4 sessions of 1.5 hours each. The sessions would be conducted by industry experts who would provide a purview to different styles and forms of writing. Through interactive sessions, you will learn valuable techniques, receive constructive feedback, and refine your writing skills.
#2 Personalised feedback: The program would provide you an opportunity to share your ideas, brainstorm and execute, which would let you get feedback from experts and the peers. This would not just refine the writing, but help you find your style and unique voice.
#3 Our experts: To conduct the program, we have a panel of experts with experience and relevance. Their learning along with approach can be handy, for your professional growth.
#4 Networking: Networking is a big asset, in today’s times. Being in the program, is not just about one-way learning but its a reciprocatory process of communicating with your peers, unlearning and learning new things. This program will help you connect and build relationships with diverse learners.
Structure of the writing program
The program is divided into 2 weeks across 4 sessions.
About the Experts
Nona Uppal is a reader, writer and a daydreamer, in that order. She is currently working on her debut romance novel (Penguin’24). Over the last 2 years, she has built an online community of 25,000 followers through her short fiction pieces centering on love, friendship, loss and emotions. As a freelance journalist, she has also published with The Washington Post, Vogue, Mint Lounge and The Quint.
Diksha Awasthi is a Fulbright scholar and an alumnus at US Department of State. Currently, she is working as a Business Liaison Manager with Taylor and Francis Group. She is an educator, writer, editor, and a poet.
Smriti Chaudhary is a Business Journalist with BQPrime. She writes on corporate and stock market news. After a stint of three years at a Big 4 company, her interest led her to pursue a career in financial journalism.